August 29, 2011

Life goes on- Thank God!

Hi Guys!

I am so happy to be feeling better and being able to, once again, take my life back into my own hands. It has been the second time, as I previously said on the “Sick of being Sick” blog ( ), that I get these incredible and nasty migraines. I have NEVER and I do mean NEVER been one to get sick, so it has been really challenging when you are left with nothing to do but agonize in bed for days on end. However, I seem to be better now – although the computer screen does make my eyes hurt a bit (dizzy), which means my 20/20 sight may not be so perfect anymore.. Vision appointment to be made soon along with a new Neurologist appt. I have heard marvelous things about him so I am crossing my fingers!

When I began feeling sick I was overcome, literally, by a new idea for a story. The waking minutes and hours I spent every day I plotted this story until I had it pretty much all set up, waiting for it to be written. Since the computer screen would make me sick, I started taking notes.

First, I made an outline with the chapters. I gave them all names so I will later on know what I was supposed to write.

Then, I assigned three pages to every chapter and wrote ideas, phrases the MC would say, feelings that needed to be expressed, etc.

And now, I am ready to write it all more in depth. This little system seems to work quite well I will say. I obviously haven’t started writing yet, but I already KNOW all that I need to know.. all there is left to write it neatly and for it to actually make sense.

I am pretty sure I will go back and do this for my already WIP (Work in Progress- for all you non writers) and even though I only have one chapter left to write, I will go back and most likely re-write some of it. It is the first full book I have written, EVER, so it is bound to have mistakes. I am excited to see what else I can uncover and add to “Feathermore” and make it even better than I believe it to already be.

What system do you use to write? Do you just get an idea and go from there? Do you outline? How do you outline? I have zero education in Literature and anything related to writing. I am solely basing it all on my imagination and love for books. All of your help will be greatly appreciated!
If you haven’t already, check out the Prologue, or may end up being Chapter 1 for “Feathermore” here:

Thank you guys for your continuous support with my blog, through Twitter(@luceduceswing) and with my #amwriting :)

Luvs you all!



  1. So glad that you are feeling better and that you were able to come up with a new story idea while you weren't feeling well!

    Hm, as to I personally write, I basically get an idea and go from there, as you put it. I get the basic story out on paper (well, in Word ;), and then return to revise, enrich and enliven it. Er, I hope the revisions do that.

    If not, I'm in huge trouble...

  2. Oops, that's "how" I personally write. Edits are making me go cross-eyed today. XD

  3. Glad your feeling better.
    I mainly just write a basic plot down on paper really simply then elaborate as I type it up.Oh and I do a little internet research too.

  4. I am also glad you’re feeling better!

    I start with a situation with a main character in mind… from there the story just comes to me. I never have an issue with the story or what to write—my issues derive from the technical aspect of writing: such as, showing vs telling, proper POV, compelling character motivation and adequate scene setting—and of course the proper pacing.

  5. I am so impressed that you could go through plotting a story while recovering from a migraine! That's really unbelievable. Seriously amazing. That must be some incredible story, too! I hope you get to start writing it on the computer soon.

  6. My current WIP (1st of 5 books) hit me all at once, at least the major plot points. I have tried outlining, but I never seem to stay on track, so I just start putting words down in Scrivener (great program, btw). This can and does cause problems if my writing goes on too long as I sometimes wander into strange territory, but that is why we edit (rather go to the dentist). As I write, detail ideas just seem to pop into my head... other times, I struggle to find the right situation or phrase, but that is the writing process. When I can't actually write, I have a digital recorder for vocal notes which I then transcribe. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

  7. Hi, Lucy. So glad to hear you're feeling better.
    When I first started writing, it was pretty much a pantser kind of thing. The longer I write, the more I see the wisdom of outlining. On the other hand, I don't like to do much more than simple outlining. I just like to give myself the general directions of the story. Some writers have thick journals on each aspect of every character, etc. That takes all of the fun out of it for far, anyway. ;)
    Take care, okay?



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