February 8, 2012

My Book Boyfriend #2 - Damon Auguste

I have seen this going around blogs, but it wasn't until now that I decided to participate. Let's be honest, we all fall for the MC , whether its a female or a male. I, in particular, fall in love with them all!

Thank you Missie at The Unread Reader for coming up with this, it is sooo much fun!

Damon Auguste is the male MC in "The Immortal" series by the wonderfully talented, Alyson Noel.

Description by Ever:

“And it’s not because Damen is undeniably beautiful, with his shiny dark hair that hits just shy of his shoulders and curves around his high-sculpted cheekbones, but when he looks at me, when he lifts his dark sunglasses and meets my gaze, I see that his almond shaped eyes are deep, dark, and strangely familiar, framed by lashes so lush they almost seem fake. And his lips! His lips are ripe and inviting with a perfect Cupid’s bow. And the body that holds it all up is long, lean, tight, and clad in all black.”
Yes, I know that the boy pictured below has very light eyes, but he impersantes him otherwise :)
**le sigh**

1 comment:

  1. I'm terribly old fashioned, but I'm still in love with Mr. Darcy.


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Hardcovers coming soon!

 You read that right! Hardcover copies will be available for all four books soon!  However, I am starting with the latest release - A DARK L...