February 1, 2012

Cover Crazy #2

Cover Crazy was created by The Bookworms. It's a great way to share a book cover that took your breath away!

I am a total Cover Crazy person. I am not ashamed to say I DO judge a book by it's cover. The cover, as I have said many times before, is what makes me pick up the book in the first place and the blurb is what will keep me from putting it back down (hopefully.) There is nothing worse than an amazing cover and a weak blurb.

Without further adieu, here is a cover I love!
"Crime lives--and dies--in the deceptively picture-perfect town of Port Gamble (aka “Empty Coffin”), Washington. Evil lurks and strange things happen--and 15-year-olds Hayley and Taylor Ryan secretly use their wits and their telepathic “twin-sense” to uncover the truth about the town's victims and culprits.
Envy, the series debut, involves the mysterious death of the twins' old friend, Katelyn. Was it murder? Suicide? An accident? Hayley and Taylor are determined to find out--and as they investigate, they stumble upon a dark truth that is far more disturbing than they ever could have imagined.
Based on the shocking true crime about cyber-bullying, Envy will take you to the edge--and push you right over."

When I saw this cover, I almost died. It is simple but SOOOO disturbing. It kind of reminded me of the girl in the movie "The Ring," you know? The creepy one that comes out of the T.V. with her long, dark hair covering her face?

I didn't get a chance to read it, other than the first chapter, but hoping to do so soon!

What cover are YOU crazy about?

1 comment:

  1. The picture is disturbing... but the heading at the top--"An Empty Coffin Novel"--now, THAT is creepy.

    I don't know that there is a particular cover I love. I can't even say what I dislike about any covers. I suppose if they look too hokey or cheesy, I am not attracted. But covers matter. A lot. If I hate a cover, I'm far less likely to buy/read the book.


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Hardcovers coming soon!

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