February 10, 2012

Feature & Follow Friday #3!

This is hosted by Parajunkee & Alison Can Read!!

Today's Feature is:

Q: What would your prefer: reading your favorite book over and over again until you got sick of it OR reading 100s of mediocre books? And why?

A: My favorite book over and over again, for sure! I have actually read all 4 Twilight books over 10 times each. I was seriously addicted. What can I say? Reading mediocre books is just a waste of time. How many times have you finished a book and thought, "Can I have the hours spent on this back??". I know I have
      There is always some redeeming quality in mediocre books, but is it enough to make it all worth while? I'd rather get sucked into a world, a story I love over and over than read just to read something. For the most part, however, I CAN'T get into mediocre books. If I don't get hooked soon, you've lost me. I have started many books that I still cannot get into... So, if I stay up until 3am because I just cannot put it down, then and only then, will it all be worth while.
      What's your take on this?



  1. New follower from the blog hop! Wow, 10 times?! I am one of those that almost never rereads a book even once...mostly because there are just too many stories out there waiting to be read, and too little time! Here is my FF if you'd like to follow back: http://theonceandfuturelibrarian.blogspot.com/2012/02/feature-and-follow-friday.html

  2. You must be like hardcore for Twilight xD Ive only reread the first 3 twice.

    New follower!
    Bri @ Kindling the Fire
    My FF!

  3. I am sooo with you on this, not how many times I have read Twilight, but rereading favs is fun.

    New Follower
    Beth ^_^

  4. I love rereading my favorites, as well! New follower :)

    My FF Post

  5. See, I'm quite easily bored and so I'd hate the idea of my favourite book becoming boring. I also hate the idea of being stuck with rubbish books though - so it was a hard decision!

    If you have time and if you want to, please drop by my Follow Friday and enter my International Giveaway!

    Stephanie x

  6. I agree. I prefer reading my favorites over and over again.
    New follower.
    Waiting For Wentworth

  7. New follower! I am your 111th follower! Looking forward to your reviews.


  8. I agree with your answer 100% :) I took a look around your blog and it looks WONDERFUL!! I am really excited about Feathermore, and I love all your cover designs! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I followed back.

    check out my international giveaway if you have time :) : http://epiloguereview.blogspot.com/2012/02/second-giveaway-ebook-of-become-by-ali.html

  9. I like to reread my favorite books when I am in a funk. Sometimes after reading books that were just "okay" I start to get burnt out. I like rereading my faves to help lift my reading mood.

  10. Hopping through. I agree on my fav books. I love re-reading them.
    My Hop

  11. Thanks for the stop by and follow on Friday. Following back! I went with the mediocre books but everyone is making me think otherwise!

    ~Nikki (Imaginative Adventure)


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