September 2, 2011

Forest Ghoul

Hi Friends!

How has your September started? I see on Twitter many of you talking about sweaters and warmer clothes and I wished I lived where you do. Here in Florida it is scorching hot.

Lets get down to the nitty gritty.. I was looking for some pictures on Google and came across a quite disturbing one. If It does not make your skin crawl, I am not sure what will.
We have all been there seen than when it comes to creepy pictures surfacing on the internet, most of the time: a Hoax. I started searching for this “Forest Ghoul” you see below. Eerie, right?

I found a website that says a hunter snap this picture. The creature had been on the ground and then got on all fours. Said hunter got so scared that supposedly broke the camera, but obviously retrieved the unscathed memory card. I don’t know about you, but if I see this in the middle of the night I would throw everything in the air and RUN.

Some other sites have also said this might have been a snap shot from the movie “Super 8”. I googled that too and came empty handed. They have been, ever since they started filming it, mum about its plot and even now, I still could not find a picture of the ‘creature’. Although, the ones I did find, had tentacles unlike the Forest Ghoul.

On a different site they said it was from a Video Game promo for Resistance 3. Below is the trailer for said game and I am still not convinced. I may have an extremely talented imagination, but I still fail to believe things like this may be real…

So here lays the question: What do YOU think?


  1. That pict scared the bejeebers out of me.

  2. Hi, Lucy.
    You know, sometimes it's better not knowing. I love things that go bump in the long as it's in someone else's house, of course. The world is so much more interesting if there could be a Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, El Chupacabra or Jim Morrison alive and well in Brazil. ;)


  3. Hm, I'd guess that it was a hoax, but I'd crap myself and run if I saw something like that IRL!

  4. Hahaha, I *know* it is a hoax, but nevertheless it looks creepy as hell. And i do not think my heart would survive seeing such thing in the middle of the night if it were real.

  5. Looks like my Uncle Grover getting up to pee in the middle of the night... and yes, that is a scary thing. Like to think there are still a few things out there we don't have in a cage at the zoo....

  6. Edward.. You crack me up everytime!! Tell Uncle Grover to put on some clothes next time.


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