July 28, 2011

For the teenagers or the teenager at heart

Hi Everybody!

First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to read my blog :) If you have read the 'About Me' section, you noticed I am writing my first Young Adult Novel and being so, I sometimes need a little bit of help with... well teenagers. Below is a list of all sorts of questions that i would LOVE for you all to answer, and who knows, maybe if i like what you write i will add a scene just for you!!


1) What is school like for you? Are you popular, why? Are you bullied or a bully? Why?

2) What kind of things do you and your friends like to do after school or in your spare time?

3) What is the funniest story you have related to school?

4) If you had a superpower what would it be and why?

5) How are boys now a days?  Does anyone compare to the amazing Edward Cullen?? Probably not, but what has a guy done to impress you? Or what have you done to impress a girl?

I appreciate all the help and make sure if you comment with your name!
Much Love,


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